Ok, I know, I’ve been in cognito for a while. It’s been a very bad stretch for me personally so no happiness to write about until today. This week was a terrible two week period capped off by my purse being stolen with a large amount of cash and all my personal identification and credit cards. I am a little shell shocked right now and in the process of recovering so…hang in there with me.
Whenever I get into a situation like this: love, life and personal safety fleeting, I stop and look a little like a deer in headlights; then I act. Being in my “professional mode” I start to address the concerns and make my needed improvements. I think the loss of my purse helped this in an odd way because it was the easiest to address and started me acting rather than simply lamenting.
Ordering the new credit cards is easier than ever. The DMV issues were more challenging but the bottom line is people were so nice in assisting me. There was a lot of “sharing of difficult stories” between me and my helpers. There was excellent support, better than mere sympathy, in fact, people have been fabulous!
The restaurant where the purse was stolen offered a free lunch to anyone with information. The UPS man even shared a sympathetic mode when he delivered my new cards overnight I might add. In general, everyone has been helpful, supportive, and wonderful in giving me advice about getting the business of re-identifying myself accomplished.
My life is healing and all things are falling into place slowly and carefully. My love life is curing and returning to normal with everyone in place but in a cautious manner.
It’s funny that the crescendo to a horrible two weeks was the impetus for me getting my life back and in order? God never sends you a challenge that you cannot handle…
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