Love is an imprint on time that can never be erased; nor should it be. It’s hard for me to understand that love is ever wrong although it can clearly cause problems. But what do you do with an old love, old feelings, old relationships that are no longer practical or possible?
We all have these ghosts of years past in our minds and hearts. I prefer to remember them and not to forget them. My heart leaps from the good memories and growls from the ones that are not so worthy. We are all prisoners of the past in so many ways but we seem to leave a trail of mental breadcrumbs that can always lead us back to those places.
I prefer to paint all past relationships with the same brush; the brush of kindness. If the memory is not so remarkable, the feeling may still be respectable. I like the feeling of such memories; the almost tingle that you get when you can recall the event, the time, the place, the reminiscence.
If we can allow ourselves the luxury of such an enjoyment, we can embrace today with even more celebration and affection. The echoes of love are everywhere in our lives. We can see the faces of our exes in our children’s eyes. We see the past and representations of love through our friends’ lives. We watch as those around us go through personal changes which may require leaving important people behind, even if it is for the moment.
Probably one of the most difficult aspects is what to do with the loves of the past when they interact with the loves of the present. The best answer I know of is to allow them to intersect gracefully and organically. In other words, let things happen naturally.
Love is never bad. Love is never lost. Love is never forgotten. It’s an energy that lives on its own; generates its own power. Be happy that you get to love again and leave your heart open to enjoy the memories of the past. You will be richer for it.
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