Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coffee please...

There is so much I want to say in these blogs.  My life is so much more enriched as a senior citizen than it was in my youth and I feel compelled to analyze and share so that others might share this moment along with me.

 I now have the time to be gracious.  I have the time to be thankful.  I can enjoy so many of the atomic particles of happiness that I missed before with my hurried and me centered life style.

I think that the older you get, the more you slow down but that’s not a bad concept.  I am starting to sense the lovely nuances of life that I missed in my speedy, hurry up and do lifestyle.

Yesterday I had a beautiful day; we had some of our relatives over; the older set, and it was wonderful. When was the last time you sat with a World War II veteran and his bride and had the chance to laugh over the silliest of jokes?  He’s an amazing man; full of life, tender, silly, sweet; and he has to be one of the most adorable men I have ever met. So caring, loving, and still in love with his sweetheart of over 65 years who shares the same love and tenderness with him and all others.  Their bond, their love is engaging and one that makes you feel warm all over.  What’s also remarkable is that I am not envious of them because I feel included in their love; their relationship emanates such warmth to all those around them.

Don’t you want to know where all of these sweet sensitive men are; the considerate ones, the ones who wake each morning asking themselves how they can make their spouses happy each and every day?  They are all around us and yet we have trouble noticing them. I think it’s because we, as women, forget to ask ourselves how to make our spouses happy first. Is this an old fashioned concept, a fairy tale that is unattainable?

So, you might be thinking, you have to be an octogenarian to experience this type of happiness but the answer is no.  You also might be wondering if these types of relationships are fictional at best or lost to the current generations but the answer is no again.  And finally, you might believe that these story bound relationships are too rare to believe in but the answer is again no.

I know another much younger couple, Mimi and John, who have this special bond and and have had this type of mystical marriage for so many years.  What’s the answer then?  I believe the secret is twofold:  each partner has to have the same drive and intentions to want to please the other.  

We've all heard that you get more happiness by pleasing others yet our society promotes the “happiness of one” style; encourages you to forget the others in your life if they are too hard to please and just please yourself…a walkmanI Pod mentality.  But the true joy of life comes with pleasing others which includes your strong personal relationships as well as casual strangers and this formula works for all.

Bing Crosby will soon be encouraging  us to “count our blessings” as the holiday season descends upon us but I say create your blessings; show the people you love, real love; think of them first; do something small, gesture like, and make sure when they say they love you; tell them you love them more and mean it.

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