Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 15: The name game...Shirley, Shirley, Bo firley, banana fanna fo firley, fee fi moe firley, Shirley

I love making up words: silly words, profound words, words that seem so right, words that make others laugh (just add an "ola" to anything and it's perfect, like wandola for the TV remote..  I love the effect that new names, new words have on other people, especially Joe.  I love to hear him laugh.  He has one of those throaty laughs that make you laugh, it's great.

Last summer, we went to a local aquarium on Long Island in Riverhead.  It was an excellent one!  We saw fish the colors and species of which I had never seen before; so many so we had to rename them.  One, in particular, is my sign associated with this blog.
the lip fish
Now take a good look at this fish; it has lips and of course a long nose.  I pretty much spent most of my time at this aquarium with the lip fish keeping him company (really and rightfully he is called the Unicorn fish).  Every time he swept by and there were a number of these fish in the tank; he looked at me and...smiled.  It was like he enjoyed my company (rather egotistical I know but it felt like he did, honest).

He kept passing in front of the glass pressing closer and closer each time as I literally giggled in delight like an 8 year old.

Now you have to understand that I was born old and that I have chosen to live backwards ala Merlin.  It wasn't my fault that I was born old, that has to do with some ugly issues that occurred that I cannot discuss in a happiness blog but suffice it to say (my mother always used that phrase) eek, sounding like Mom, oh well, deal with it; I had very little about my childhood that I would like to remember unless it has been rewritten by a fading memory.

So, as a result, I try to be childlike now (of course in a tasteful, older woman manner).  I allow myself to be childlike, not childish (there's a difference you know!) and enjoy the many things I missed growing up.  So, I don't mind a little staring from others (poor dear, they are thinking) when I squeal with delight at the lip fish.

The more I realize that seeing the world through the child I've become suits me, the more I experience unfettered joy and happiness. I have watched so many children grow up as an educator and seen how some of them know how to enjoy being kids; it's a thing of beauty I assure you.  

So I say,  strap on your inner moppet today folks (sounds a little kinky, oops), let her (or him) out to play and you might just have a glorious day.

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